GTA Gaming Archive

Hardcore Health

by cp1dell


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2013-08-03 13:14:44 -0700

Replaces:explosionFx.dat, handling.dat, pedpersonality.dat, WeaponInfo.xml

Historic Rating:7/10

Historic Downloads:1,293

File Size:61.58 KB



Alright, so I kind of based this on the Hardcore mode for Red Dead Redemption. Where the player's health is lowered down to about the same amount as the NPCs. Read as: You're not playing as the Terminator anymore. I'm still working on a way to find out how to edit the prices of items, payout for missions, and other things to create a full Hardcore mod for IV - similar to RDR's. But I'm not great at coding, so don't hold your breath. So I, or anyone else that tried helping me, couldn't get a script working that edited the value for the player's max health. By default it's 400, where this mod basically lowers it to 100. I edited the values for the ped's so they can take more damage, I edited the amount of weapon resistance vehicles have, and I edited the damage value for weapons. Everything plays as normal, NPCs and vehicles can take the same amount of shots. The only difference is that there haven't been any modifications to the player, so you are as strong as an NPC. This is a huge workaround having to edit all these values. If you don't like it and want to blow my mod out of the water, go ahead. No, seriously - make a script that lowers the player's health. It would be much better. For now, there's this mod.