GTA Gaming Archive

M4/AK as 9mm Glock

by noentiendero


Category:Weapon Mods

Added:2013-09-07 07:30:54 -0700


Historic Rating:8/10

Historic Downloads:1,363

File Size:21.5 KB

Download Link:1378564254_weaponinfo.xml

Author Website


That weapons allow to put any kind of Assault Rifle (M4, AK47, any downloaded AR you want...) as the basic 9mm Glock pistol. I modified that because i was tired to seeing cops everytime, always with cheaper pistols. Just download the file, rename it to weaponinfo.xml and place it into your GTAIVDIR/common/data dir. Remember to make a backup of your original/prefeered Weaponinfo.xml File!!! THAT FILE is also modified with EXTREME VALUES, so weapons kills faster, makes more damage, and added a Fire-Bullet effect, so peds have a better, reallistic ragdoll when shotted. Of course! Remember to import to your weapons.img the AR texture files, just take your favourite and rename to w_glock.wtd/wdr