GTA Gaming Archive

New Simple Speedometer MPH

by yoshiko


Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2014-08-30 14:22:08 -0700

Replaces:Other Speedometer script

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:1,726

File Size:12.7 MB



This is simply a New Skin Pack I created for the speedometer script developed by o!nko!nk. I do not own the original script, I simply edited the config file to match the new skin I design. To Install: 1 - copy "SpeedoIV.asi" to gta 4 root installation directory. Don't put it in the script folder. 2 - copy the folder "SpeedoIV" to gta 4 root installation directory. Don't put it in the script folder. I've included the original script for ease of installing. You can find the original at The Units is in MPH. I didn't create a KMH version because GTA IV is set in America. If it were NOT in the USA, then I would've create a KMH version. If you have a different resolution other than 1920x1080 then you need to change the coordinates in the config.ini file.